さて、このたび弊社におきましては、キンダーキッズの活動の集大成ともいえる書籍「奇跡の英語保育園」が10月17日、幻冬舎から発売されました。 副題に「日本人の価値観にあった英語教育こそ、子どもを真のバイリンガルに育てる」と冠し、幼児期における英語教育のあり方や世界で活躍できる人材に育てるためのヒントを執筆した内容となっております。
Firstly, we would like to thank you for your continuous support and understanding of our academic activities. We are delighted to announce the publication of Kiseki no Eigo hoikuen (A Miraculous English Nursery School). This new book is an account of the academic contribution Kinder Kids has been making to childhood education since it was founded. It was released on October 17th by Gentosha Publishing.
The book’s subtitle states, “English education tailored to Japanese values, which truly nurtures bilingual children.” The book explains the importance of introducing English education during early childhood and how we can raise children to be equipped with skills and motivation to perform actively in a global economy. The publication of the book would not have been possible without your warm support and encouragement and we are deeply grateful to all of you.
We hope you will have a chance to read the book in the near future and any comments you would like to share will be highly appreciated.
Please access the buttom below to order.
販売価格:1,512円 (通常配送無料) 発行年月:2018年10月、判型:B6 出版社:幻冬舎子どもに習わせたい「おけいこ事」で常に上位にランキングされる英語・英会話、日本語もまだ不確かな幼子に英語を習わせて意味があるのか?そんな不安・・・